
12/31/23…the last day of the year. I just love a good pattern, whether it is an alliteration, as with words, or numerical sequence as the one above. Sometimes, they create a rhythm. The thing I love about the sequences involving dates is that they will not ever be repeated (at least not for a VERY long time, usually). Today’s date sequence represents a waltz to in my mind and reminds me of one of my favorite songs, Nautical Wheelers, by Jimmy Buffet. We lost a truly amazing singer/songwriter and legendary soul this year when Jimmy went to reside with The Jolly Mon. He will be missed and I for one will continue to dance to his tunes just “livin and dyin in ¾ time!”

Somehow, I have managed to neglect my blog for the entire year. The last post I did was last year in December. Sigh. I managed to fill the time with other worthy pursuits, though. 2023 is the year that I reached 1000+ subscribers and gained enough hours watched to be eligible for monetization on YouTube. This was a personal goal that I set in January and, with some much appreciated help from Scott, I just managed to pull it off last week. All of that work on my YouTube channel content had the added benefit of allowing me to work on various sewing, gardening, and van conversion projects while filming. 

Gardening took up most of the spring and summer resulting in a ridiculous amount of herbs, spices, and vegetables. With grocery prices ever increasing, this was one way we worked at cutting expenses and it paid off, for sure.

The final blessing of the year was an extremely busy October-December filling numerous Etsy Christmas orders. I don’t know exactly how I got them all done, but I managed to piece, quilt, and complete 15 quilts, numerous memory pillows and bears, and a ridiculous number of key fobs. What a year!!

Six Quilts For One Christmas Order

I hope to post more often to the blog in 2024, at least more than once in the year. If you don’t see me here for a while, please come over and check out my projects on YouTube. Subscribe and Like if you are so inclined.

Thank you to all who have helped and blessed me this year! Here is to an amazing 2024!!


2 thoughts on “1.2.3…1.2.3…

  1. Busy, busy lady!! As always…beautiful work done by my beautiful friend! Love, hugs and missing you all to much! Happy New Year and blessings for you and yours!

Is anybody out there?